
The National parks

National parks

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Maze National Park

Maze National Park

Maze National Park is a recently established National Park in the Region. The park derives it name after Maze River that traverses through its length. It was established in 2003 after several surveys and studies were carried out. Prior to 2003, Maze served as a hunting area for Swayne‟s Hartebeest and Buffalo. It is a small park with an area of 2,020 ha and located 473 and 248 kms from Addis Ababa and Awassa respectively. Altitude ranges from 1000 to 1200 meter above sea level. The rainy season extends from March to September and rain is estimated to be between 800 to 1600 mm per annum. While the area has 38 species of mammals, major wildlife includes Swayne‟s Hartebeest and Buffalo. To date, 138 bird species have been recorded for Maze.

Unique features - Maze is one of the last remaining sites for the conservation of the Swayne‟s Hartebeest. It is arguably the second most important site for the Swayne‟s Hartebeest after Senkelle Hartebeest Sanctuary. Recent wildlife counts have revealed there could be up to 300 Hartebeests at Maze. Besides wildlife the site has unique land features. Mt Gughe, which rises to 4200 meter above sea level is found on the boundary of the park. Bilbo hot springs, found in the Park‟s southern parts, have geysers that spout steam into the air. The Wonja caves are an added attraction to the site. 

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