
The National parks

National parks

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Semien Mountain National Park

Semien Mountain National Park

The Simien Mountains National Park’s (SMNP) name is traditionally linked to the Amharic word “Semien” which means north. It is one of the best of national parks in terms of scenic potential & variety. High rising volcanic plugs that are a result of a vast series of volcanic activities in the past are the main and major attractions of the park.

The SMNP, after being recommended by the UNESCO mission in 1965, was formally established by 1966 and gazetted in 1966. Due to its unique landscape and the rich biodiversity resources, the park was listed on the list of World Natural Heritage by UNESCO in 1978.

It is part of the area of wonderful topographical features known as “the roof of Africa”. It includes opportunities for viewing a variety of wildlife, birdlife, and flora. The unchanging traditional life of the local people, trekking, mountain hiking and ecological studies gives SMNP its excellent potential as the first important place of interest to visit in the Ethiopian tourist circle.

Species recorded: 21 mammals and 180 birds

Charismatic species: Walia Ibex

Location:  The Simien Mountains National Park is found North West of the country, in the Amhara Regional State, about 850km from Addis Ababa and about 102km from Gondar. It has an area of about 232.5km2 and is adjacent to Mt. Ras Dashen, which is the tenth highest peak in Africa. It lies within the center of a triangle that forms part of the important historical sites of Ethiopia which are regularly visited by a number of foreign tourists namely. This triangle includs Axum, Gondar and Lalibela.

Rainy Season: The rainy season in the area occurs between June and mid- September. Average annual rainfall is about 1550mm.

Temperature: The area usually experiences a cool climate, which ranges from -2.5 to 18 degrees. During the dry season early mornings are the coldest time of the day.

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